Instructions for First-Time Visitors

Please read through these materials to find important information that will maximize your enjoyment using the Class of '66 website.

On this page, you'll find the following topics:



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 Our website is private and primarily intended to connect with every Class     of 1966 member including those who won't be attending our 50th Reunion.

The other goal of the Class of '66 website is to become an online scrapbook of memories to be enjoyed and treasured by classmates and their families.

Everything you need to know about setting up a profile to gain full website access is on this page. If you have questions, please contact Walter Archie.



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All of the contact information including your street address, phone number and e-mail address entered on our website will be kept strictly confidential.

The host of our website,, is an American company that fully understands the importance of protecting individual privacy---as a result, your personal information will never be sold to another website or otherwise shared or distributed to a third party in any manner at any time.

Your contact information is completely private so your street address, phone number and e-mail address cannot be seen by other classmates---all of our classmates have the ability to limit the visibility of their individual Classmate Profiles to other members of the Class of '66 by clicking on the appropriate answer in the Profile Visibility section during the initial profile-setup process.

If you don't opt for such privacy, your profile can be viewed by individuals other than classmates such as friends and family members, but please note your Classmate Profile will then be fully indexable by major search engines.

Checking your Classmate Profile page on our Class of '66 website by conducting an online search with Google or another major search engine:

If you are signed on to our website and have previously restricted your profile to only members of the Class of '66 and then use a search engine to check if the privacy options are working, it will appear that they are NOT functioning properly---this is only because you're signed onto our website.

Sign out, check again and you'll see that none of your Classmate Profile information is viewable by anyone other than those classmates who also have previously posted their Classmate Profiles on our Class of '66 website.

E-mail messages may be shared within our website using the "send a private message" link located in the upper lefthand corner of each Classmate Profile page below the classmate's master photo---this allows you to contact other classmates without revealing your e-mail address unless you want to do so. 

For those classmates with spam or junk-mail blocking or other e-mail filtering capabilities, please add <> to your e-mail account list of "safe senders" to ensure you'll receive all official Class of '66 e-mail communications sent from us to you in the future using our website.

Please note that if you later decide you don't want your Classmate Profile posted on our website, it will be removed by contacting Walter Archie---   this will end communications from the Class of '66 website about our 50th Reunion unless other arrangements are requested and approved for you.



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In order to access the web pages that are password protected on this
LSHS Class of '66 website, you must first set up your own Classmate

Profile by providing a minimum of your e-mail address and a password.

Using the "Classmate Profiles" link on the directory to the left, click on your name and follow the prompts to create your own profile. Private information including your e-mail address, home address and phone numbers will not be visible to other classmates who have posted their profiles on this website. 

We request you list your mailing address and phone number because we may need to contact you by regular mail or phone. This information will not be given out to members of the Class of '66 or anyone else without your permission.

We encourage you to include a current picture in your Classmate Profile
as a master photo which will be displayed in various locations throughout
the website. It's also helpful to upload additional "Now" and "Then" photos
as your classmates will enjoy seeing how you've changed over the years!

In the event that your name is not already listed on this website despite
the fact that you're a member of the Class of '66, please 
contact us at your
earliest convenience so we can add your name without any further delay.

If you change your e-mail address, mailing address or phone number, we ask you to "Edit Contact Info" on the directory to the left so your data is current. This will insure you'll always be in the know about what's going on with your classmates as well as the latest developments involving our 50th Reunion!

In choosing your password, there is no need for a "high security" password required by some websites. Choose something simple that you'll remember. Checking "Remember Me" will let you bypass entering your password each time you visit this website, but the "Remember Me" may fail such as when you use a different computer or buy a new one so make note of your password!

Should you happen to forget your password, however, click on "forgot password." If you have several e-mail addresses and don't recall which one
was used to set up your "Classmate Profile" account, you'll need to contact Walter Archie who'll respond as quickly as possible, but please be patient.



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The best part about the Class of '66 website is that it came pre-setup by Class Creator---we "just" had to enter the names of over 400 classmates.

    Our website automatically compiles and updates the "missing" list based     on the names of those classmates who haven't posted their profiles yet---   so you'll be listed as "missing" until your profile is posted on our website. 

We really need your help to contact EVERY classmate about our 50th Reunion to be held the weekend of September 23-25---if you have any   information about a classmate whether or not the classmate is already   listed on the website, please contact Walter Archie as soon as possible.  



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In order to contact a specific classmate, simply click on the "send a private    message" link on the Classmate Profile page of the recipient---this option   is located under the classmate's master photo in the upper lefthand corner.

This feature allows open communications between individual classmates while also completely protecting the security of their personal information.

  If you wish to share your e-mail address or other personal information in the text of a message written on our website, you are certainly free to do so.



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Adding photos isn't a requirement for participatation on your Class of '66
website, but it certainly is a great way for your classmates to get to know
you again because . . . well . . . we've all changed somewhat over the years!

Filling in the photo boxes at the top of your Classmate Profile:

1.  Click "Edit Profile" under the"MEMBER FUNCTIONS" from the directory to your left.
2.  Roll your cursor over the Master Photo, Then, Now or Yearbook photo silhouette.  
Click "Select Photo" in the upper right corner of the photo and then click the
     "Upload a New Photo" button.

Select the desired photo from your hard drive and crop the photo for a perfect fit.

Adding large "Profile Gallery Images" to your Profile:

  • Clicked "Edit Profile" under MEMBER FUNCTIONS.
  • Click the photo tab in the upper right corner of your Profile.
  • You will see any images previously uploaded here. Click the "Upload a New Photo" button to add more.
  • Click to select images you wish to display on your Profile. All images with a green check mark will display. Click again to not display, and the green check mark will disappear.
  • To add a caption under your images, roll over any image and select "Edit Details". Enter your caption and press save.
  • You can adjust the display order of your photos by simply dragging and dropping them into the positions of your choosing.


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  If you're curious about one of the links on our website, just click on it.

There isn't anything here that will cause any problems on your computer.   

Just Sit Back, Relax & Enjoy the Experience!